Saturday, September 24, 2011

So, this is what Frances told me that had happened to her at the Student Organization Fair last month.
At the 'Dores to China' booth--
Frances: So is this org only for Chinese students?
Person in Charge: Yes.


Okay, Dores to China is service organization founded 2 years ago that aims at connecting families that have adopted kids from China to Chinese students at Vanderbilt. In this way, the kids can be introduced to their heritage, maintain close ties with their native country and build a unique cultural identity. Most of the children we are working with are in kindergarten or pre-school. We organize events throughout the year to involve kids and parents in games so they can have fun while learning more about China.
We do try to draw as many Chinese students as possible to the group to serve as a source of information to the families. But the group is definitely not exclusive!
We would like to get as many people involved as possible. Basically, anyone interested in the well-being of children is welcome! And this year, I expect to see a very diverse group of students involved. Hint: all the bloggers here!
This year, i happen to be one of the event coordinators of this group. Coming up next Sunday 2nd Oct. is our first event of the year-- Chinese National Day celebration! (Because our national day is the 1st of Oct) Our theme this year is the unity of all ethnic groups in China.
We're doing a mini drama introducing the 56 ethnic groups in China. Well, not all of them. And then we'll show videos of Chinese children's songs related to different ethnic groups. After that, we'll have a fun fair with several game booths and snacks!
In late Octobor we'll have our annual event with free homemade chinese cuisine! We're cooking noodles with bean curd sauce and vegetables, a traditional Beijing food.
In November, we're holding a talka and inviting a professor in Peabody College of Vanderbilt Univeristy to share her experience in raising children adopted from China. It's gonna be very informative for parents and families who have adopted and who are planning on adopting children.
So, that's about it. See you all at the fun fair next weekend!

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