Sunday, October 30, 2011

Deutschland ist Wunderbar!

Hey, it's Frances!

During the month of October, The Commons at Vanderbilt hosted "Do Deutsch," which consisted of  many events to celebrate and encourage people to learn about Germany. At one of the events, Dr. Hans- Ulrich von Schroeter, German Embassy, spoke about Multikulturellegesellschaft [Multicultural Society]  in Deutschland [Germany]. He described immigration in the New Germany, which happened after the Berlin Wall was destroyed.   He went into detail about the importance of integrating into new cultures when a person moves to a different country, or when a country divided becomes one, such as after the Berlin Mauerfall.  I agree that when you move to a different place, it is important to make an effort to become a part of the culture in order to broaden your view of the world, allow for different experiences and possibly even change your perspective on a certain idea. I think one great way to taste a bit of a culture is to try out the different regionally specific foods that are there, since cultural foods tend to vary widely within certain areas, and I really love food. For example,I have been told that the best tasting Döner Kebabs are made  in Germany, but the food item is actually Turkish. I had never heard of  Döner Kebabs until I started learning about the German culture. When I visit Deutschland, it will be one of the first foods I will taste. However, this may not turn out well since I had a bit of a hard time transitioning into the different taste of foods when I migrated to the United States over 12 years ago. Thankfully with time, this taste bud shock diminishes, and you get used to the types of food available in a certain region. 

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